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2,333 players banned. 17,535 tempbans. 105,818 kicks.

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Banlist parallax


Ordered by ID DESC. Ban type: All. 10 items per page. Page 3 / 1,000.

Player name Player GUID Reason Ban type Ban date Kicker name
BurgerĀ² Germany 1.7x_C4S e95dbd49 Your player name contains forbidden ... Kick 12:55 am Server
KillLamescopers Greece x19 ea9ad5ea afk Kick Yesterday, 11:44 pm xen cummins
Z0RSY United States x19 6add7d80 RWB(Cheat) Kick Yesterday, 11:30 pm Server
JaszeScorpio Peru 1.7x_C4S 54e3c3b6 full Kick Yesterday, 11:27 pm xen hmd
hellhound89 Germany x19 ae722885 RWB(rwb) Kick Yesterday, 11:17 pm Server
hellhound89 Germany x19 1b63b8df rwb Ban Yesterday, 11:17 pm xen hmd
percent United Kingdom x19 22d9f17c full Kick Yesterday, 10:48 pm xen hmd
flipa United States x19 b5e8d519 RWB(Turn off Proxy) Kick Yesterday, 10:40 pm Server
flipa United States x19 b5e8d519 Turn off Proxy Proxy ban Yesterday, 10:40 pm Ecnamor [ACP]
eAF|OHMS4EWER Slovakia x19 c254bed3 afk Kick Yesterday, 10:33 pm xen hmd